What is Search Engine Marketing (SEM)?

SEO is about what you do with the content and coding of the actual site. Search Engine Marketing and Social Media Marketing are about what you do outside of the site.
Directory Listings
First things first: register your site with the search directories. Many of the search directories will pick up your site eventually, but some will not. However, there are services that can register your site with many of the top search directories right away which speeds up the process. Registering with the top search directories is a good idea for all businesses regardless of how large their service or customer radius is.
Local Search

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What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is about what you do with the content and coding of the actual site. It means making a website optimal for the web bots, the little bits of code that go around and ‘read’ the web to index what is there.

When there was one car repair service on the web, it was fairly easy for it to be found. The bots read ‘car repair’ on the website of our car repair place. When users searched for the keyword ‘car repair’, the bots directed web visitors to the one site.

Then there were 1000 car repair places and the job for…

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SEO, SEM, SMM and your great website

You are planning a great website and want to know if the web person does SEO. I get this question all the time. At Richterworks Web, I believe that a well-informed client is the best client. To that end, I am writing this series to clarify the differences and similarities between Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Social Media Marketing (SMM), and when in the process to use them.

SEO and SEM are not the same thing. Most people realize that Social Media Marketing is not the same, but are not really clear what these three involve, how…

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Starting Fresh with paint chips, paint roller and brushes

Starting Fresh

Summer is a time of starting fresh. A few years ago when I thought of moving, I purged the house for months of decades of acquired treasure. When you live in one place for a long time, you tend to get everything pretty much the way it works for you easily on a day to day basis. The problem is, you tend to put aside a lot of things and store things you no longer need. I found that the biggest impediment to getting rid of old clutter was recalling how much money I had spent on it. Today those…

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Defining Desired End Result

In my last post, I talked about what it takes to be a good client. These guidelines apply whether hiring a web designer to create your business website or a painter to recolor your living space. You know how you want for the desired end result and you know what you can afford to spend. Good communication with a contractor means letting them in on those expectations.

I write about this as much to remind myself as I hire contractors as it is to share my insights for you when you hire one.
Define the desired end result
“We can hit the target,…

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Rainbow: Identifying Expectations

Hiring a Contractor: Identifying Expectations

I love my clients and it is my primary goal to have them thrilled when their website is complete. That isn’t possible without identifying expectations and meeting them. I start with terrific clients (most of the time) who have a good understanding of what they want. The biggest challenge in any relationship based on delivery of a product or service is expectation management.
Contractors Have Expectations Too
Good contractors clearly state their expectations of what the client needs to do or provide, when and how. My clients receive a proposal with pages of information intended to manage and clarify expectations. I ask hundreds of questions of…

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