Blog posts

Responsive Design - Monitors in many sizes

What is Responsive Web Design

Responsive Web Design is the new version of mobile website design. Ideally it takes into account the variation of sizes on which a site can be viewed as well as the difference in processing capability to view it. The goal of responsive web design is to have the website transition gracefully between different sized devices as seamlessly as possible. This can be a challenge. Here is how it usually works-

code on the site determines on what size device the site is being viewed
depending on the size, it will call on a different style sheet and possibly a different…

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Visual Clients Encourage Great Websites

I have several clients who have a good visual eye, knew what they wanted and wouldn’t take no for an answer. I am very happy with the final product of their sites. Clients like this push me to stretch my vision and talents to meet theirs, so that the site moves from good to great. I first need to stress that these clients have a good visual eye. Without that, they would merely have been difficult clients. I am proud that I have several clients who, either by vocation or avocation, are highly visual people.

With Wordpress websites, it’s sometimes easy to install a…

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Why Use WordPress for Your Business Website

“Blogs were designed for personal use, right? So why would I want Wordpress for my business website?” I answer that question in this video I did for the Barrington Area Chamber of Commerce market{IT} Council in 2013.

Richterworks Web creates business websites which convert web visitors into buyers by connecting with them and showing them why YOU are the best solution to their need. Contact us today at 847-577-0491 or use our contact form) to get started with better marketing.

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Newsletter Content-a letter with a sign saying You've Got Mail

Where to start with Enews/ Newsletter Content

I signed up for a newsletter years ago that was the only one I consistently opened and read. When I went on my occasional email purging campaigns, it’s the only one I’d maintain. The reasons I stayed on this list were:

I subscribed in the first place
There was always newsletter content that I found useful.

The layout changed over time, and that never mattered to me because the quality of the content always remained high. Even the (few) times the content wasn’t exactly what I needed, I knew it would be interesting and valuable. All of this to say that the way your email…

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rendition of an an Email Signup Incentive ebook

Topics for an Email Signup Incentive Ebook

We all like a little bribery. What can you use for a an email signup incentive? A great option is the e-book.  However, if you offer an e-book to give as an incentive to join your list, it should be:

on a topic related to your product or service
what to do, not necessarily how to do it
about which you know a great deal and
would be of use to your potential client whether or not he employs you.

As daunting as it may feel to find a topic for an e-book or, for that matter, a blog for your…

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hand drawn envelope with at sign

Opt In Offers for Business Websites

In a December post, Adding People to Your Email List, I discussed the importance of capturing email information from potential clients visiting your site. This is important because sending emails to them gives you an opportunity

to stay ‘top of mind’ so, when they are ready to purchase, you are the one they think of first
to let them know more about your business, your expertise and your offers.

But, how do you get people to sign up for (or opt-in to) your list? I have seen all kinds of incentives for email sign-ups, including a trip to Hawaii (which…

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Blank monitor screen with question mark

Do You Need a New Website

Many people ask me, “how do I know if I really need a new website?” or think, with a really outdated website, that their site is fine.

The web is old enough now that there are a lot of dated websites out there.  Here are some of the most common signs that its time for a new website:

The website is not responsive- that means it does not automatically adjust in size and layout for laptops and cell phones-without pinching and expanding. Google penalizes websites for not being responsive, and its a pain for your clients if your website does not…

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US gradient map with question mark

Marketing Vision – You Can’t Get ‘There’ if You Don’t Know Where ‘There’ Is

We have heard it before, but it really is true for everything in life. To get what we want, we need first to define, then refine, our vision for the final outcome. There really is no such thing as a usual or normal website. They may have some features or pages similar in purpose to other sites, but each client, and what he or she brings to the table is different. And how each client meets the needs of their customer is different. This is the basis for a marketing vision.

The hardest client to please is the one who says, “I…

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Subscribe Button

Adding People To Your Email List

Before I talk about content, let me comment that it is important that your readers actually want your email/newsletter. It is not legal to add them to your newsletter (email) list just because you have their business card. They must actually give you permission to add them to an email list, or opt-in.

There are three ways to do this:

Have an email list sign up on your website, which my previous posts have discussed.
Have a list on which they can actually sign up. This is great if you have a retail location, or to take with you when you…

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This post will cover the CAPTURE piece of a good website, some of which was discussed in my last post. I think it’s a good idea to give a message field in your contact form so the potential customer can clarify what information or service they want to know more about.

A second common form of capture is the sign-up box or form for your ‘list’.

The purpose of the capture piece is two-fold and both are equally important:

You can give the potential client something of value, and
You have their information for later marketing.

First: to give something of value. If…


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