rendition of an an Email Signup Incentive ebook

Topics for an Email Signup Incentive Ebook

rendition of an ebookWe all like a little bribery. What can you use for a an email signup incentive? A great option is the e-book.  However, if you offer an e-book to give as an incentive to join your list, it should be:

  • on a topic related to your product or service
  • what to do, not necessarily how to do it
  • about which you know a great deal and
  • would be of use to your potential client whether or not he employs you.

As daunting as it may feel to find a topic for an e-book or, for that matter, a blog for your business website, it really is fairly straight forward.

Start by asking yourself, “What are the questions most commonly asked of me that I need to explain over and over?”

If you still can’t think of a topic, ask your current clients by email or your fellow networkers or chamber members:

  • If you could ask a (your profession) anything, what would it be?
  • What would you most like to know (or know more) about (your service or product)
  • If you could ask a (your profession) how to do something, what would it be?

As I said, you don’t have to tell them how, but if you can give them the ‘how-to’ up to the point that they need a professional, then you educate and empower potential clients while making a connection.

How long does it need to be? Long enough to actually say what you need to say and for it to be of value to your potential client. On the other hand, don’t give away the bank. You needn’t share everything you know on the subject (save something for blogs, newsletters and expanded or continuing e-books). I recommend 10-30 pages.

If you really can’t write, you have the option of hiring a copywriter to take your ideas and knowledge and create a professionally written piece for you.

In any case, the important thing is to get writing. The hardest part is starting. I’ll bet you already know several things you can write an e-book on that would be of benefit to your customers or clients. If you start writing and the creative juices get flowing, don’t stop. You may want to change your offering down the line, or add an additional e-book, or use an e-book for an incentive for another program or a contest.

Be sure your email signup incentive e-book has copyright information and your company branding to protect your work, and be sure it IS your work.

OK, now you have given potential clients an incentive to join your email list and they have. Now what?

In my next post, I will talk about email newsletters.

Richterworks Web creates business websites which convert web visitors into buyers by connecting with them and showing them why YOU are the best solution to their need. Contact us today at 847-577-0491 or use our contact form) to get started with better marketing.