Starting Fresh with paint chips, paint roller and brushes

Starting Fresh

Starting Fresh with paint chips, paint roller and brushesSummer is a time of starting fresh. A few years ago when I thought of moving, I purged the house for months of decades of acquired treasure. When you live in one place for a long time, you tend to get everything pretty much the way it works for you easily on a day to day basis. The problem is, you tend to put aside a lot of things and store things you no longer need. I found that the biggest impediment to getting rid of old clutter was recalling how much money I had spent on it. Today those same treasures get in the way of my current happiness by taking time and space without giving me anything I really need.

Starting Fresh with Business Marketing

Has your current business website become like that? Do you hold on to it even though it isn’t giving you what you need today because you have invested a lot into it? I can tell you from experience it feels much better (after the initial pain) to clear it out and free yourself up for something new.

After I did some of the deferred maintenance on my home, I wished I had done a lot of it earlier. That way I could have enjoyed it, rather than just making the house beautiful for the next people. It’s important to have a great website when preparing to sell a business,. But you deserve to have a great business website so you can glean the business and professional reputation from it.

Is it time for Starting Fresh with a New Website?

I don’t like to spend money when I don’t have to. Neither do my clients. So how do you know when its time for a new site? Here are a few guidelines:

      • Is your website responsive?
        That is, does it adapt for all sizes of screens? Can you read it on a cell phone WITHOUT pinching it to open?
        Do you ever have to scroll right to left?
      • Do you have any Flash on the website? No i or Mac products display Flash so if there is Flash, its probably time to redo the site. If the site is all Flash- its absolutely time to redo it.
      • If the site is older than 4 years then it is probably time to redo it, unless its responsive and you add content regularly.
      • Does it look dated?
        Is there small coverage on a desktop computer, no or too few graphics, ineffective content?
I’d love to hear from you to see how Richterworks can help you starting fresh with your business website- whether your first site, an all-new site or a fresh revision of your current site.
Contact us (847-577-0491 or use our contact form) to discuss a fresh start on your business website.Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy the summer.