Richterworks' Process

This is where the magic begins. Once I know where we are going with the project, I like to take a few days to let the project “cook”. This gives my brain and the muse of inspiration time to create and design. Before WordPress I always created mock-ups, but have found that, with WordPress, its often just as easy to design in WordPress, because my clients can easily grasp interactivity.
Design need not be limited to the website design. I also do logo design.

Development really includes putting the whole site together from design to content, including features, media and text.
Good development means ensuring that the site:
- responds to different screen sizes
- is readable in different screen sizes, and
- looks and works as expected in different browsers

The site isn’t done when it moves to live. URLs must be checked within the site, analytics are put on, keys for plugins, reCAPTCHA and other APPs are activated, and everything is double checked to be sure it's working correctly.
Happy Days! Now the website Launch. This is the day we’ve been looking forward to, kind of like the birth day. After months of work, the joy of having a new completed site is real.

The best defense is a good offense. It amazes me how many clients rarely look at their own websites! Things sometimes break, so I offer a monthly service to update everything and check to be sure the site is there and up, and contact forms (the most important part of your site) are working. I backup and download a backup of the site “just in case”. Old backups don’t always work because of updates to WordPress, plugins and themes, so it’s a good idea to have a current one.