hand drawn envelope with at sign

Opt In Offers for Business Websites


In a December post, Adding People to Your Email List, I discussed the importance of capturing email information from potential clients visiting your site. This is important because sending emails to them gives you an opportunity

  • to stay ‘top of mind’ so, when they are ready to purchase, you are the one they think of first
  • to let them know more about your business, your expertise and your offers.

But, how do you get people to sign up for (or opt-in to) your list? I have seen all kinds of incentives for email sign-ups, including a trip to Hawaii (which I was lucky enough to win), to nothing at all.

I, however, am not a big fan of really big free-bees (OK, so I am a big fan of winning them, but not of using them), for two reasons:

  1. Although you may get a number of people to sign up for your email list, they may be in it only for the chance to win the big prize. They may not even be potential clients, especially if the prize is unrelated to what you do or offer. Big unrelated incentive prizes are OK for wide-sell consumer products, like green beans, but not for most businesses.
  2. If your incentive is your main offering, there may not be any up sell to the winner, and you need to be sure that the number of email sign-ups you get is worth the cost of the product. Also, many people may unsubscribe if they aren’t the winner.

An e-book or video you authored is an excellent choice in that it is free to you except for the time invested to create it and it helps establishes your expertise in your field, which adds confidence to your potential user for choosing your business.

I recommend that any incentive has the following criteria: it is

  • Relevant to your product or service offerings
  • Has value to the end user

In my next post, I will give suggestions for finding topics for your email list ebook or video.

Richterworks Web creates business websites which convert web visitors into buyers by connecting with them and showing them why YOU are the best solution to their need. Contact us at 847-577-0491 to