The Importance of Checking Your Website

Click to start your day with a thought or smile.
A client I had not heard from in years called me in a panic because her website was no longer visible. Obviously, that is a big deal for any business. After some research I found that she had not paid for her web hosting for over two years – and the site had been removed. Worse, enough time had elapsed that my most recent backup of the site no longer worked, and the web host no longer had a backup.This is not the only thing that can happen…

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PSA: Beware The Domain Name Renewal Scam

Click to start your day with a thought or smile.
It happens often enough that I’ve decided I need to write about it. A client calls or emails and asks about an email or letter they have received saying it’s time to renew their domain name, and gives them an address and bill, usually for an exorbitant amount. This is how bad actors get you to change domain name hosts, then they can charge whatever they want to renew or worst case, hold your domain name hostage.Points to keep in mind:Know the host or hosts of your domain…

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Open sign in business window

Let people know you’re still in business

I know I’m still around (I think, therefore I am) and still in business (I owe, therefore I’m still in business), but how do others know I am?

A client of many years recently told me he didn’t know I was still in business. After the last several years, many businesses sadly aren’t. It’s hard to know who is and isn’t, even from looking at a website.

If you are at all like me, you may get so caught up in the day to day that it’s easy to forget that your older potential clients and clients with whom you haven’t been…

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Monitor with no website

Why Have a Website?

Seriously? Seriously. . .
A website is the new low bar price of credibility
Just as the yellow pages was once the way people knew you were serious about your business and not a fly-by-night, your website is now the new low bar for any credibility.
It’s is the best way to introduce prospective customers or clients to your business and let them know what you or your services are all about.
In good marketing, your website is Rome and all roads (meaning all your other marketing) should lead to it.

The reason is that your website allows you the opportunity to:

answer questions, even the…

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Animated Guy with stop sign

What Does Your Customer Fear?

There are two areas of fear your customer has that you need to know and understand:

What is the concern that is urging your customer to seek you out, make a change, look for a solution?
For example, a prospective chiropractic client with back pain’s fear it that it might be something serious or might get worse may propel them to seek care.Not so obviously, suppose the same client has a pain in the neck or finger tingling. This client may not know a chiropractor even treats this.
What fears does your customer have that stand as obstacles to contacting you or…

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Solution puzzle piece

Getting to Know Your Client

OK, it’s just easier to sell umbrellas when it’s raining. It’s easier to sell them in England than the Sahara (unless to block the desert sun). The more you know about what your client needs, the easier it will be to sell them your product or services.
Advantages to Learning what Your Client Needs

You may discover things you had not thought of that your client needs and you can provide.
The terms your client uses to describe their concerns may be completely different than the words you use. Choosing keywords relies on knowing the terms your client uses.
Sometimes, what most concerns your client is  something you can actually help…

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