You can’t sell them shoes if you don’t know the size.

As I stated in my last post, before starting your business website, you need to get to know and think about your potential customer. Its so easy to think that clients will just ‘know’ why to use us or ‘see’ what sets us apart. But a savvy business owner helps their potential client understand what is special or unique about their business or service and it’s the most important job of your business website to convey that.

There are three steps in this process:

  1. Identify the needs and objections/fears of your potential clients
    1. Start by asking yourself all the questions in the last post.
    2. Why is your potential client looking to do something?
      • What needs/ pains do they have
      • What is driving them to seek a solution?
    3. Why is your potential client looking to do something different?
      • Why are they no longer happy with the solutions they had?
      • Was the problem with the solution, or with the provider.
    4. Set yourself apart.
      • Explain how you are best and uniquely qualified to meet their needs in a way that serves them better than your competition.
      • You must differentiate yourself in your client’s mind, or it just becomes a battle of the bucks, and that is a losing battle.
    5. What’s in it for them?
  • Your business website needs to clearly state the benefits of using you as their resource. Not your features (although they may need to find that on your site as well), but how their life will be improved by using you.
  • Show your potential customer you understand them and their concerns and that it’s in his best interest to use you by appealing to what matters to him, you are well on the way to creating a new customer.

In my next post I will discuss the importance of CONTACT in a website.

Call us at 847-577-0491 or Contact us to find out how we can make your website work for you.