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Adding People To Your Email List

Subscribe ButtonBefore I talk about content, let me comment that it is important that your readers actually want your email/newsletter. It is not legal to add them to your newsletter (email) list just because you have their business card. They must actually give you permission to add them to an email list, or opt-in.

There are three ways to do this:

  1. Have an email list sign up on your website, which my previous posts have discussed.
  2. Have a list on which they can actually sign up. This is great if you have a retail location, or to take with you when you have speaking engagements. NOTE: Keep the list after you enter the names to your list as evidence that they signed up, or use a double opt-in service, like aWeber which requires the person to make the final approval to be on the list.
  3. Send an actual email to people you have met inviting them to join your email list (provide a link to your website sign-up form). This can be either just an invitation, or could be an actual sample of what you send.

If people didn’t sign up themselves, they may very well be annoyed that you added them to your list. Every time they see your email/newsletter, they are reminded how annoyed they are with you. This is not the ‘top- of-mind’ feeling you want them to have.

If they really don’t want your newsletter:

  • they could report you as spam which could get you kicked off the service you are using
  • not open the email and drive down your open rate
  • you pay by the number of names on your list, so why have people who don’t want to be there?

It may be disheartening that fewer people will actually sign up than you could add, but at least they are people who want your content. If your content is really good, those who signed up will forward it to friends and recommend your newsletter.

If you are considering dipping your toes into online email marketing, or would like help getting it more robust, give us a call to see how we can help. (847-577-0491 or use our contact form)